Thursday, December 16, 2010

technology in the future

Professor Jinkins of the university of California he has shared his thoughts of how technology will develope over the next couple hundred years. He stressed the point that in the last 100 years technology has made more progress then it had in thousands of previous years. Jinkins says "The way technology is being produced and if it continues to be produced this way in a couple hundred years there is countless possiblities. For example Jinkin says that hover crafts will most likely be present then because scientists know that it is possible to have a magnetic field between the metal and the earths coar. They just dont know how to make the magnetic field stronger. Also another advancement of of the human race in the future would be landing on mars. This would be a great advancment of exploration of our galaxy and research of minerals in the planet mars and these minerals uses.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lonely life of an NFL kicker

In the sea of muscle and testosterone that is a NFL locker room sits and incongruous-looking white man of average height and build, who in most cases could leave the stadium without being noticed by fans. A field goal kicker is the loneliest man in the American football league. When he does his job and kicks the ball between the posts from 40 yards to win a game newspapers report his name and only little more. The field goal kicker sits on the sideline for most of the game before being put in often to win or lose the game. People for the most part only talk about him if he misses.  Unlike other players in the NFL who thrive on adrenalin and confidence a field goal kicker must never let himself get carried away. Hartley the New Orleans Saints field goal kicker (super bowl winner last year) was the toast of New Orleans but the sparkle did not last long after three games this year Hartley was replaced after missing a crucial kick against Atlanta. Hartley won back his place at the Saints but has learnt to be philosophical about the fate of the kicker. Kickers can never be to confident.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

U.S. judge ordered destruction of Monsanto GMO sugar beet seed plants

A federal judge in the U.S. ordered the removal of plants being grown to produce genetically modified sugar beet seeds because of the potential harm to the environment. Almost all of the sugar beet crop has been genetically modified to resist the weed killer round up. Their crop provides roughly half of the United States sugar supply. White was the name of the judge that band the product. White ruled in a lawsuit filed by environmental groups challenging a decision in September by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and plant health inspection services to issue permits to seed companies to plant sugar beet stecklings. The young plants produce seeds that then are planted to grow sugar beets.The beets have been planted in the U.S. for four years. White says the governments conduct is really outrageous. The court said the in August the beets could not be grown any more and the government turned around and gave them the oppurtunity to sell them. The growth of the seeds will be halted until a law suit is resolved or  farmers are allowed to plant Roundup Ready sugar beets under a closely monitored permit process to prevent contamination of other crops.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Wikileaks is the publishing of 251,287 leaked United States documents which is the largest set of confidential documents to ever be released to the public. These documents will give the an insight on the U.S. governments foregin activities. The cables which date from 1966 up until the end of February 2010. These contain confidential communications between 274 embassies in countries throughout the world and the State  15,652 of the cables are classified Secret. The embassy cables will be released in stages over the next few months. The subject matter of these cables is of such importance, and the geographical spread so broad, that to do otherwise would not make this material justice. The size of these released confidential files is 7 times the Iraq war logs the previous largest release of confidential documents to the world. I think it is an illegal publication of sensitive informatin

Thursday, November 25, 2010

New Human Teleporting Technology

Scientists have a break through in technology. New technology allows scientist to teleport all the atoms in a human body to any designated spot that has the same technology. At first scientists could only teleport small amounts of atoms and particles up to 1800 feet. There are millions of atoms in the human body and a sufficent power source was needed to transport the millions of atoms at the same time. Priar to the technology being developed a metor landed in Hague Saskatchewan causing vast damage to the town. Once the town had been cleaned scientists studied the metor the and discoverd a strange metal inside. The new metal was tested to see how much electricy could run through it. After being tested it showed that 20000000 volts of electricty could run through it at the same time. This much electricty running through two simulators
at the same time allowed the millions of atoms in a human body to be transported to another simulator any where on the planet earth.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


A succesful logo is made by alot of things like positioning lettering figures shapes  and last but not least colour

Lego logo@@

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Condo builder offers Beaches lifestyle

Condo builders with owner Mr. Walji are designing a condo fit for beach lifestyle. There will be 65 suits in the four story building. The site is steps from Kew Beach, Woodbine Beach, and Ashbridges Bay Park. "ts nice and quite and really shows what the neighbourhood beach is like." Says Mr. Walji. In keeping with architectural styles found in the low-rise neighbourhood, Architecture fashioned a low-rise structure with a red brick  and black metal cladding. A rooftop amenity will offer cabanas, fireside seating and a trellis-covered barbecue and dining areas, along with living green walls and open green space that doubles as a dog run. Greenery will surround individual suites and green roofs will top off penthouse suites to reduce the heat island effect. The buyers are very concious about the environment. Most rooms will contain balconies or patios well penthouses will have rooftop sunrooms and terraces measuring up to 1,352 square feet. We wanted to make the penthouses extra special quotes and owner. The condo is well fit for those that love the beach lifestyle.

Monday, November 8, 2010

1. I go to fast food restaurants 4 times in a month.
2. Micdonalds because like there food is good.
3.I dont like how they are greasy growded, and usually not very clean.
4.Fast food commercials. It slightly influences fast food eating habits.
7.there intense
8.7 hours and in the evening
9.Entertaining, something to do, and piss my mom off.
10.Simpsons, family guy, and big bang theory.
11.Homer. His stupidity is funny
12.I like how its entertaining and dislike how I could be doing something more important. warming
14.They never do

Friday, October 29, 2010


I think that high school football is very good thing for young male adults. It teaches team work, discipline, and is very productive for the male teen. Some people think high school football is unsafe and dangerous because of all the injuries that happen in high school football. Football causes more injuries then any other high school sport. High school football has caused many problems with teenagers schooling and the kids concentrating on school work more then football. Also the concussions that come from football cause some of the football players to get lower marks and have trouble doing there school work.  It is important that the teenagers succeed in school because the teenagers are our future.  Daniel Fischlin, a university professor from Alabama quotes “high school football although productive in some ways is unsafe and to dangerous for high school students because of the risk of injury and concussions that will cause the students to have lower marks”.  In my opinion high school football might be dangerous to a certain extent but the productivity of the sport is far greater then the risk of injury.  High school football builds team work which is an important quality for any young male teenager. Many male teenagers will have jobs that will require them to work with people and it’s good if they can work as a team. It teaches work ethic which is also a very important quality for young males. It keeps the teenagers out of the trouble if the kids don’t put there effort into something they will look for something else to do like crime and drugs. It teaches them to work for things and have great team and school spirit. Although there might be some injuries in football I think that the risk of being injured is far worth it because of all the positives that come from playing football which includes social. The football players will make friends and keep them from getting into the wrong crowd such as crowds that are involved in crime. High school football is not unsafe. The players wear shoulder pads, helmet, mouth guard, hip pads, thigh pads, tail bone pad, and knee pads. With all this equipment the players wear football is not unsafe but accidents do happen as they do in any situation. High school football could require that players wear more protective equipment to lower the risk of players being injured. They could wear thicker pads, helmets with more padding to prevent concussions, and more heavy duty shoulder pads. Also they could ad elbow pads and some sort of padding for the lower legs as that is a point on players that is commonly injured. High school football is not unsafe. It is one of the best sports programs for young male adults and it is very productive. High school students should be encouraged to play football!

bowling for columbine essay

Acts of aggression by the U.S. government influences a culture of violence.
111,375 Americans are killed by guns every year. Violent acts of the U.S. military promoted by there government tell the nation to be more violent. The Government promotes violent acts to be seen on TV and in news papers. The government allows gun sales and easy access to guns which enables the country to carry out the aggression they have been informed of. Acts of aggression by the U.S. government influences a culture of violence.
Violent acts of the U.S. military promoted by the U.S. government tell the nation to be more violent. 1963 to 1975: the military kills 4 million people in South East Asia and this shows acts of violence to the nation.  In 1981 Reagan administration funds contras. 30000 Nicaraguans die. In 1998 Clinton bombed weapons factory in Sudan. The factory turned out to be making Aspirin.  Many people were upset about this pointless destruction and killing do to false Intel. There is an estimate of half a million Iraqi children die from bombing and sanctions. These acts of violence show the nation that the government does not care a whole lot about civilian casualties and large death rates due to the nations military. The columbine murders were a result of the cultures violence.
The government promotes violent acts to be to be seen on TV and in news papers. In relation to Michael Moore’s documentary the 6 year old shooting near Flint MI shows the culture the violence that goes on. The 911 call made by the teacher of the class room where the little boy shot the little girl showed great distress for the little girl. In the call it informed us that the little girl was shot in the class room and laid on the floor turning white and not breathing. It said the little boy had been taken to the office and the little girl was covered in blood. Michael Moore quotes “what could bring about such a terrible thing, for a first grader to shoot another first grader there must be something wrong with society”.  That school had set the record for youngest school shooting in America.
The government promotes gun sales and easy access to guns which allows the country to carry out the aggression they have been informed of. The U.S. being the leading country in gun murders tells us that the easy gun access is resulting in more deaths of the nation’s people from shootings. The NRA has allowed guns to be bought with out much difficulty. Almost every American keeps a gun in there home because as Michael Moore says the people live in fear. An example of this in the movie is Michael Moore just walking into peoples houses to see there reactions. If Michael hadn’t explained himself the residents would have picked up a gun for fear of their lives. Some pistol wielding, stealing, crook could be on the other side of that door. All of the governments promotion of fear and violence helps cause the people to purchase guns and worry about safety. Ironically they think safety is obtained through violence. Answer fire with fire.

Americans live in a violent dangerous culture. They have the largest gun murder count out of any country. Something needs to be done about all the people being killed by guns in the nation. Tragedy needs to be ceased and the government needs to stop showing so much violence in the media and the answer to there problems should not always be to kill the other party. The American Nations ways need to be changed.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

envionrlment disasters

Global warming will wreak havoc on Canadas infrastructure unless governments and individuals start adapting now. 60 per cent of our infrastructure is more than 40 years old. It wasn’t built for today’s weather or for tomorrow’s weather. Climate change is adding to the challenge. Canada is facing a $400-billion deficit in infrastructure – its physical foundation of public buildings, roads, bridges, sewers, electricity grids, water purification plants and other critical installations. Canadian cities are increasingly vulnerable to a wide range of climate disasters. High-rise buildings are particularly at risk, since winds are stronger at higher elevations and heat more intense. By some calculations, a wind increase of just 25 per cent causes a 600-per-cent increase in the cost of damage. The University of Western Ontario, for example, recently decided to move the projected site of a new school of business administration; although the site is not currently on a flood plain, planners say it will fall to within the expanded flood plain footprint during the next 40 years, because of global warming. Something needs to be done in preparation for global warming extremes.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Acts of agression by the U.S. government informs a culture of violence.

 Violent acts of the U.S. military promoted by the U.S. government tell the nation to be more violent.
For example soldiers in Afganistan fighting and killing the other countries soldiers.

The governemnt promotes violent acts to be seen on tv and in news papers.
For example the story of the 6 year old boy shooting the 6 year old girl.

The government promotes gun sales and easy access to guns which allows the country to carry out the aggression they have been informed of.
For example almost every one in the country keeps a gun in there home.

Monday, October 4, 2010

St. Lawrence drilling plan draws opposition
A junior oil company is at the centre of a growing political battle over canadas latest engergy prospect the gulf of St. lawrence. The exploration program being launched in the Gulf of St. Lawrence has raised objections from fishermen and environmentalists, also concerns raised by the governement of Quebec. If they find deposits of oil and gas in the largly unexplored area it would spark a rush of exploration activity in the ecologically sensitive waters, raising concerns about the impact on fish stocks, whales and other marine life that dwell  in the warm, relatively shallow waters. The push to open the Gulf of St. Lawrence to drilling comes in the wake of BP PLC’s massive oil spill at a well in the Gulf of Mexico, which spewed 60,000 barrels of oil a day and shut down the fishery for three months, with untold long-term damage. The BP spill has raised concerns about energy development in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The amount of oil and gas in the gulf is would be able to run the province for an estimated 25 years. There is a high concern for the fish and the enivornment.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Charles school break
Who Adrian charles
What  football
When sept 3 2010
Where regina
Why to win

This aint your daddys caddy
What-cts sport wagon cadillac
When 2010 Friday sept 10
Where saskatoon
Why to make fast cars

Keep cars rolling on bridge
Who-mayor don atchison
When-thurs sept 9th
Where- saskatoon
Why- to get rid of the bridge

Friday, September 10, 2010

relation ship between disney and micdonalds similar to the merchantsof cool

disney and micdonald

Both targeted children which was a different way of selling products at the time
both in it for the money
both had mascots appealing to kids

merchants of cool-mtv viacon sprite
targets kids
trying to make money
got famous people to appeal and advertise there products to make kids buy

Monday, August 30, 2010

Brands im wearing

Urban heritage –clothes are meant for young people teens.
all different types of clothing shirt pants etc.
the back ground is white

Nike-Atheletic football field as back round
people running in the middle of the site
Advertising for training equipment
