Tuesday, December 7, 2010

U.S. judge ordered destruction of Monsanto GMO sugar beet seed plants

A federal judge in the U.S. ordered the removal of plants being grown to produce genetically modified sugar beet seeds because of the potential harm to the environment. Almost all of the sugar beet crop has been genetically modified to resist the weed killer round up. Their crop provides roughly half of the United States sugar supply. White was the name of the judge that band the product. White ruled in a lawsuit filed by environmental groups challenging a decision in September by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and plant health inspection services to issue permits to seed companies to plant sugar beet stecklings. The young plants produce seeds that then are planted to grow sugar beets.The beets have been planted in the U.S. for four years. White says the governments conduct is really outrageous. The court said the in August the beets could not be grown any more and the government turned around and gave them the oppurtunity to sell them. The growth of the seeds will be halted until a law suit is resolved or  farmers are allowed to plant Roundup Ready sugar beets under a closely monitored permit process to prevent contamination of other crops.

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