Thursday, December 16, 2010

technology in the future

Professor Jinkins of the university of California he has shared his thoughts of how technology will develope over the next couple hundred years. He stressed the point that in the last 100 years technology has made more progress then it had in thousands of previous years. Jinkins says "The way technology is being produced and if it continues to be produced this way in a couple hundred years there is countless possiblities. For example Jinkin says that hover crafts will most likely be present then because scientists know that it is possible to have a magnetic field between the metal and the earths coar. They just dont know how to make the magnetic field stronger. Also another advancement of of the human race in the future would be landing on mars. This would be a great advancment of exploration of our galaxy and research of minerals in the planet mars and these minerals uses.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lonely life of an NFL kicker

In the sea of muscle and testosterone that is a NFL locker room sits and incongruous-looking white man of average height and build, who in most cases could leave the stadium without being noticed by fans. A field goal kicker is the loneliest man in the American football league. When he does his job and kicks the ball between the posts from 40 yards to win a game newspapers report his name and only little more. The field goal kicker sits on the sideline for most of the game before being put in often to win or lose the game. People for the most part only talk about him if he misses.  Unlike other players in the NFL who thrive on adrenalin and confidence a field goal kicker must never let himself get carried away. Hartley the New Orleans Saints field goal kicker (super bowl winner last year) was the toast of New Orleans but the sparkle did not last long after three games this year Hartley was replaced after missing a crucial kick against Atlanta. Hartley won back his place at the Saints but has learnt to be philosophical about the fate of the kicker. Kickers can never be to confident.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

U.S. judge ordered destruction of Monsanto GMO sugar beet seed plants

A federal judge in the U.S. ordered the removal of plants being grown to produce genetically modified sugar beet seeds because of the potential harm to the environment. Almost all of the sugar beet crop has been genetically modified to resist the weed killer round up. Their crop provides roughly half of the United States sugar supply. White was the name of the judge that band the product. White ruled in a lawsuit filed by environmental groups challenging a decision in September by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and plant health inspection services to issue permits to seed companies to plant sugar beet stecklings. The young plants produce seeds that then are planted to grow sugar beets.The beets have been planted in the U.S. for four years. White says the governments conduct is really outrageous. The court said the in August the beets could not be grown any more and the government turned around and gave them the oppurtunity to sell them. The growth of the seeds will be halted until a law suit is resolved or  farmers are allowed to plant Roundup Ready sugar beets under a closely monitored permit process to prevent contamination of other crops.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Wikileaks is the publishing of 251,287 leaked United States documents which is the largest set of confidential documents to ever be released to the public. These documents will give the an insight on the U.S. governments foregin activities. The cables which date from 1966 up until the end of February 2010. These contain confidential communications between 274 embassies in countries throughout the world and the State  15,652 of the cables are classified Secret. The embassy cables will be released in stages over the next few months. The subject matter of these cables is of such importance, and the geographical spread so broad, that to do otherwise would not make this material justice. The size of these released confidential files is 7 times the Iraq war logs the previous largest release of confidential documents to the world. I think it is an illegal publication of sensitive informatin